, Your Source to Studying Free in Germany

Did you know that enrollment in higher education at public universities in Germany is free, regardless of your country of origin?

Last month of November, three members of Team travelled to Germany and visited Schiller Language School in Bonn and Sprachcaffe in Frankfurt.  Thanks to its agreements, can provide with all the assistance you need to apply to both German language schools and universities. The platform, leader in international education, offers several study options to study abroad in Germany. Expert advisers can assist getting students through the application process for the study field of their choice.

Mohammed from in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia is one of the advisers who can help you with all the necessary information to get admitted for your studies. Mohammed shared his trip experience: “It was a great and very interesting trip. First we attended ICEF Berlin 2018, it was a successful and productive conference; we met a lot of partners and worked out ways to make the application process seamless. We toured around the city, which was an extraordinary experience.  Then we moved to Bonn, it was fantastic, we visited Schiller Language School and took a small trip in the city too.  Afterwards we continued to Frankfurt and visited Sprachcaffe Language School campus and accommodation facilities. We had just enough time to get to know about this wonderful city.”

FindCourse Jeddah at Sprachcaffe
Access free education in Germany.

Qosay, from Abu Dhabi, also had a great experience:
“I think Germany as a whole is an interesting country that inspires to study and learn about their culture. I liked Bonn in particular, it’s a small city compared to others, which makes its inhabitants more friendly and visitors feel more welcomed. The museums and churches give the city another attraction for those who are interested in historical or artistic places. Personal spending in Bonn is lower than in most cities in Germany, which I think can be very attractive for many students.”

Schiller University
Study German in Bonn.

To consider:

– The national qualifications of countries of the European Union are recognized in the German university system.

– The national qualifications of countries that are not part of the European Union need to be verified if they are accepted at the university that you wish to apply. In case you are not accepted, you can take an admission test for international students called TestAS (Test Für Ausländische Studierende).

– You need proof that you can speak German.

– The requirements depend on the university or institution in which you wish to enroll, but usually a level 2 is required in the DSH or level 4 in the Test DaF.